How to save tiger

You can help save the tiger!

You can help too

No matter where you live, no matter how small your actions are, we ALL have a part to play in saving the tiger – and our planet as a whole.

Here are some simple things you can do to help ensure our children and grandchildren live in a world where tigers still roam freely in the wild.
isappear from the wild within the next decade.
The good news is that we can save the tiger.

We know what needs to be done, we know it will work... and what is more, tiger range countries, the World Bank and major NGOs have come together to achieve this!
The big cats are prolific breeders, given enough space, prey and protection, tigers can recover and remain the lord of the jungle.

Tell tiger rangers you care, send a postcard today!

Rangers are putting their lives on the line to protect one of our planet's most beautiful, vulnerable species – the tiger. These unsung heroes work under harsh conditions on the frontlines to keep wild tigers safe.

It’s time to recognize these heroes. Tell rangers you care and that you support their work. Send them a postcard today!

► Send a card or e-card to rangers now

Donate to our tiger projects

A WWF supported anti-poaching inspector in the Russian Arctic. / ©: WWF-Russia
© WWF-Russia
We are raising emergency funds for anti-poaching patrols – the most important thing we can do in the short-term to save tigers. 

Don't buy anything containing tiger parts

 / ©: WWF-Canon / Wil Luiijf

Poaching of tigers is driven by continueddemand for tiger parts – like bones for Traditional Chinese Medicine and skins for clothes.

If you buy such items, you are directly helping to exterminate the last of the wild tigers.

Buy forest-friendly products

 / ©: WWF-Canon / Alain COMPOST

After poaching, the biggest threat to tigers is thedestruction of their forest home – mainly due to illegal logging and conversion to agriculture, particularly commercial oil palm plantations.

You can help stop this habitat loss by buying products from sustainable forestry and agriculture operations.

So when you're out shopping, look for: 

  • Products made from certified sustainable palm oil
    If you can't find any, ask your supermarket or shop why they are not stocking any ... and not helping tigers, and many other animals, to survive.
  • Sustainable coffee
    Illegally grown coffee in Sumatra is driving the destruction of tiger habitat (report - PDF). Watch where your coffee comes from – and choose coffee grown according to environmentally friendly principles.
FSC logo / ©: FSC


For example, the Forest Stewardship Council label ensures that paper and wood products come from well- managed forests.
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Spread the word

 / ©: Martin Harvey / WWF-Canon

The more people realize what simple steps can be taken to save the tiger, the more success we will have.

So go on, get your friends, your family, and your workmates to help too! 

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